Quantitative information on these aspects of protein metabolism is scarce . 有关这方面的蛋白质代谢的定量知识是贫乏的。
Affection on of embryo growth and protein metabolism of silkworm gees in various temperature and humidity 不同温湿度催青条件对蚕卵胚胎发育蛋白代谢的影响
Dynamic changes of total proteins metabolism of datura stramonium l . exposed different heavy - mental pollution durations 对重金属污染不同经历的曼陀罗种群总蛋白质代谢动态变化的初步研究
The ubiquitin - proteasome proteolytic pathway , a major pathway for protein degradation in cells , plays a critical role in the protein metabolism 摘要泛素介导的蛋白质降解途径是降解细胞内蛋白质的主要途径,在维持细胞正常的蛋白质代谢中起着至关重要的作用。
Objective to investigate the effects of total enteral nutrition ( ten ) vs . total parenteral nutrition ( tpn ) on protein metabolism , t - lymphocyte subsets and immune function of patient with major injuries 目的观察创伤后早期肠内和肠外营养对机体免疫和代谢功能的影响。
Protein metabolism denotes the various biochemical processes responsible for the synthesis of proteins and amino acids, and the breakdown of proteins (and other large molecules, too) by catabolism.